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Our biotechnological innovations can be used in a wide variety of areas. We develop and test our technologies in the Bavarian Alps and work with clients all over the world.

The Story

Between Munich and the Alps we formed Green Wave Technology in the summer of 2021. We combined our talents and forces and within a year we created a thriving company with big visions in environmental technology. With a wealth of experience from all over the world and with an open mind, we want to improve the tried and tested and the existing - always adapting to the special requirements of the individual project.  Follow us on our way to make our water cleaner !

The Team

Ocean Coast Photographer

Troy Warry

Environmental Engineer

Bachelor Environmental Scientist,

University of the Sunshine Coast Australia


Certified Practitioner of Erosion and Sediment Control (CEPESC)

Certificate IV in Arboriculture

Certificate IV in Domestic Wast Waster (Design)

Certificate III in Landscaping (Construction)


Troy Warry is qualified to provide scientific advice on large-scale wastewater treatment plants and water quality monitoring (e.g. Fraser Island National Park World Heritage Site). His global experience in water treatment of wastewater from industry and agriculture and municipal wastewater (schools, tourism) combines scientific expertise and technical know-how. The aim of every project is to transfer research findings and global experience into successful, practical applications.


In 2011, Troy founded Red Sand Ecology in South East Queensland, Australia and ran the company until 2019, specialising in environmental consulting, design and management of water management for road construction, coal mining and wastewater treatment plant projects.

Troy also set up a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centre on Australia's Western Downs in 2012 and ran the facility until 2019: "We were called to 600 to 1000 wildlife emergencies a month and on average we treated and cared for 45 wild animals. One of our biggest challenges was maintaining clean water resources in the enclosures. Especially during the rehabilitation phase, clean water without harmful bacteria, viruses and pathogens is essential. How I became a wildlife ecologist and rescuer is a long story, but as an environmental scientist and expert in water treatment, I have been involved in the development of innovative water treatment technologies, including as a government-appointed expert on the Committee on Reducing Nutrient Loads on the Great Barrier Reef."

Image by Zoe Schaeffer

Sara Rampp


Master of Arts in Art History

LMU Munich & University of Vienna


Sara Rampp is a fashion industry veteran. From 2010 to 2021 she managed a fashion studio and was also employed by a fashion label in the luxury sector. A 180 degree U-turn towards forward-thinking innovations in environmental technology and the optimisation of existing structures in water management became necessary. This u-turn was triggered due to the practices within the (textile) industry and also her connection to agriculture on her family farm, which revealed water management issues of serious concern. Pragmatic solutions, comprehensible applications and a holistic approach that takes nature, people and animals into account - that is the credo at Green Wave Technology and forms the core of all projects.

Pragmatic Engineering

Inside our innovation incubation chamber near Munich in Germany, engineering meets creativity and pragmatism. Our bijou team is a melting pot of education and life experience spanning decades and real world experience in environmental science and engineering, agricultural practices and land use management, water shed management, water treatment, ecosystem management and monitoring, project management, construction management and even the arts. In other words we are humanitarian scientists! We have lived and worked all over the world and don't allow borders to limit our approach to biotechnological innovation.

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